Dental Implant London
The best Implant Surgery


Welcome to the Dental Excellence Clinic in Padua

Our Services

  1. Advanced Implantology
    • Zygomatic Pterygoid Implants
      • Key Advantages:
        • Immediate Loading: Rapid provision of fixed prosthetics.
        • Avoiding Bone Grafts: Reduced healing time and increased comfort.
    • Pterygoid Implants
      • Key Features:
        • Enhanced Stability: Superior anchoring in the pterygoid process.
        • Adaptability: Ideal for patients with bone loss in the posterior jaw.
    • Grid Subperiosteal Implantology with Immediate Loading
      • Distinctive Advantages:
        • Reduced Healing Times: Immediate loading for quick results.
        • Optimal Stability: The grid provides robust long-term anchoring.
  2. Handcrafted and Custom Prosthetics
    • What We Offer:
      • Artisanal Precision: Meticulously crafted details for excellent results.
      • Advanced Materials: Safe and durable for long-lasting resilience.
  3. Other Services
    • A Comprehensive Range of Treatments:
      • Dental Surgery: Surgical interventions with an expert team.
      • Orthodontics: Solutions for alignment and proper occlusion.
      • Dental Hygiene: Procedures to maintain optimal oral health.

Cutting-Edge Technique:

  • Galileus Cerclage Sinus®

Introducing our exclusive Galileus Cerclage Sinus® surgical technique. Thanks to this innovative methodology, patients with jawbone atrophy can avoid autologous bone grafts and large elevations of the maxillary sinuses. This technique offers a permanent fixed solution distinguished by superior surgery, improved masticatory function, and tailor-made aesthetics by a master craftsman Italian prosthetist. Choose our clinic for a personalized approach and excellent results.

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